Steps & passenger entrance
Passenger entrance can be through either the side sliding door or the passenger door. The side sliding door offers more entrance headroom while the front passenger door option is favoured by PSV operators. M2 regulations stipulate minimum step heights so all minibuses will require an auxiliary step. Each step option offers benefits to the operator. Some OE minibuses come with their own sliding step. Where this isn’t the case a kick-out cassette step offers a solution, which takes up the least space.

GM fold out step
The Fold Out Step™, designed by GM Coachwork, provides a two-step format which is manually operated and encompasses built-in handrails. The design and operation of the Fold Out Step™ makes this a low maintenance option.

For PSV operators requiring front entrance access the triple step conversion offers an ideal solution. This converts the minibus passenger door into a three step entrance. The passenger seat is relocated and utilised in the rear cabin.

Some minibuses come with their own automatic step which operates with a manual sliding door. When the sliding side door is opened the step deploys from beneath the vehicle and similarly, when the door is closed the lift retracts to its position beneath the vehicle.

The manual cassette step automatically deploys when the side door is opened. Available in a number of size options, this is a low maintenance option. When you close the door the step will retract to its position beneath the vehicle. Use the button below to view our videos of this step in action.

A single pantograph door, also referred to as a plug door, is an electric door which opens outwards to the rear and finishes close to the side of the vehicle. These will be fitted to minibuses where the driver operates the door remotely from a button on the dashboard. When a plug door is fitted it is likely an automatic side step will be fitted to ease access into the vehicle.

The Custom Fold Out Step is a manually operated folding step with integral handrails. Open the side door of the minibus and it simply unfolds towards the ground. Available to fit in any sized minibus with a side load door, simply watch our video using the button below and contact us today if you think this could be the right step for your minibus conversion.